An Independence Day Message: A Nation of Do-Gooders and Zealots

It’s time for all Americans to take stock of their lives and how they relate to government. Ignorance is the enemy, and unfortunately ignorance is running rampant in the country. What happens in Washington matters to all of us! It is not esoteric. It is not theoretical. It has consequences to our lives, our families, and our pocket books. And it is also difficult to change after some whackadoodle policy becomes law. And there we are left standing…. I have lots of friends who laugh at my blog and web site. To them, I am some sort of a nut who goes off the deep end in caring for what happens to my country. I have always been politically active, but when I started trading securities, I learned quickly that bad government policy has immediate and serious consequences for the country. The stock market it the great prognosticator. It is saying things aren't so good right now. Do you really know what is in the health care bill? Do you know that in 20...