An Independence Day Message: A Nation of Do-Gooders and Zealots

It’s time for all Americans to take stock of their lives and how they relate to government. Ignorance is the enemy, and unfortunately ignorance is running rampant in the country. What happens in Washington matters to all of us! It is not esoteric. It is not theoretical. It has consequences to our lives, our families, and our pocket books. And it is also difficult to change after some whackadoodle policy becomes law. And there we are left standing….

I have lots of friends who laugh at my blog and web site. To them, I am some sort of a nut who goes off the deep end in caring for what happens to my country. I have always been politically active, but when I started trading securities, I learned quickly that bad government policy has immediate and serious consequences for the country. The stock market it the great  prognosticator. It is saying things aren't so good right now. 

Do you really know what is in the health care bill? Do you know that in 2014 you will probably lose your current coverage...and if anyone tells you different they are lying or are uninformed.  Do you know that the EPA is promulgating cap and trade regulations to implement by fiat the very laws rejected by Congress last year? Do you know what the mandatory light bulb change is going to do to your pocketbook and your home…and even your light switches? Do you know the political philosophy of the Secretary of Energy and how it will relate to gasoline and oil prices? Do you know how far the IRS reaches into your private life? Do you know how the schools have implemented philosophically and scientifically questionable environmental theories into your school’s curriculum?  Do you mind having your private parts patted down at airports? How much freedom have we as a people lost?  How much will we lose?

Right now, as I write this in Obamamerica, 95 year old women in wheelchairs are being forced to remove their Depends and undergo degrading and merciless searches to satisfy TSA requirements before boarding airports.  The same goes for 6 year old little girls.  Anywhere else, these TSA thugs would be arrested for child molestation.  Let's not even talk about the camera watching what students are putting on their lunch trays in Texas.  It is disgusting.  It makes me physically ill that this nation is doing these types of things instead of excercising common sense, and following the Constitution.  Is this America you want to live in?

The founding fathers did not trust a strong, centralized government, and yet that is what we have, and it is getting worse. Federalism is an endangered species, being swallowed up by politicos with an agenda that worries about everything but you.

Here is a rule of thumb. People involved in politics ALWAYS have an agenda mostly consisting of three types:

1) Those that view government jobs as a paycheck and are ideologically neutral. They will do anything to stay in office and go with the flow. These types are harmless, but expensive as they vote for give away programs that will keep them in office.

2) Those with an agenda. These are the do-gooders and zealots who are out to right all the wrongs in the world. A lot of pop science and social utopian types in this group. They worry about global warming. They want to regulate what you and your family eat. They want to define how you should raise your children…spanking not allowed. These folks are dangerous because what they believe generally goes against human nature and therefore involves lots of coercion in the name of fairness and social justice. What you get is the coming light bulb fiasco…and no chocolate milk in schools..but lots of sushi…seriously.

3) Then there are people like me, who want to slap those in category number two around. We just want to be left alone. We don’t want the government telling us what to buy, what to eat, what to wear, where to drive, where to work, how many times we can flush the toilet,and we want to keep what we earn. We want to be left alone to pursue our dreams in a world governed by common sense and rule of law. Government is a tool, not a god to right every wrong and to cure every ill that afflicts mankind.

Do you fit into any of the above categories? Or are you in the vast 4th category of apathetic Americans who turn their backs on the workings of our democracy, lost in a sea of electronic gizmos and MTV?

This July 4th, take some time to look at America and decide if you like what you see. If you don’t, take a stand…get involved. Get off your butt and do something. Democracy only works if you become informed and then act. The future of our Constitution depends on it.  Our country’s future depends on you. 


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