Hillary for President!!!!

Call me suspicious. But the Democrats have opened the Pandora’s Box of speculation with an awesome display of party disunity. This past week important Dems like Diane Feinstein, Cory Booker, Ed Rendell, Mark Halperin of Time Magazine, the Huffington Post…and last but not least…Bill Clinton have opened a barrage of pokes and jabs at Barack Obama. Starting with Cory Booker who defended Bain Capital and then moving to Bill Clinton who called Mitt Romney’s business background “sterling” and then undercutting Obama on the Bush tax cuts saying they should be extended…well…this type of stuff just doesn’t happen. The fact that all of this occurred within the space of 10 days should give one pause, or at least a raised eyebrow. Why would they do this? This is a party that has been in lockstep with the Obama administration for the past three years. Barack has used the bully pulpit to bully his party members into submission. So what’s with the dissention in the ranks? Something is askew...