Hillary for President!!!!

The fact that all of this occurred within the space of 10 days should give one pause, or at least a raised eyebrow. Why would they do this? This is a party that has been in lockstep with the Obama administration for the past three years. Barack has used the bully pulpit to bully his party members into submission. So what’s with the dissention in the ranks?
Something is askew. There is trouble in Mudville. There is a plot afoot, a coup plotters coup. The palace guard is in disarray. Who is the culprit? Who is plotting against the king? Out, Out damn spot. It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s Lady Macbeth. No…it’s Hillary.
Nobody fools with the Clinton’s. And Obama fooled with the Clinton’s big time four years ago. He called them racist. Imagine, Bill Clinton, America’s first black president, being called racist. He even moved his post-presidential office to Harlem!!! Dude, which way to the Cotton Club?
Revenge is a dish best served cold. And this one is right out of the ice box!!! There are those commentators who say that all of this pastiche is just a coincidence. In politics, there is no coincidence. The Clinton’s are pros, and so are those surrounding them. Obama has managed to piss off everybody. The uber left is upset with him because of the war in Afghanistan and Guantanamo still being opened. The gays are upset because of his half hearted endorsement of gay marriage. The Blacks are upset because of his half hearted endorsement of gay marriage. The Catholics are upset with this health care mandate forcing them to provide contraception and abortions to employees who are not directly church related…and his half hearted endorsement of gay marriage. The unions are upset because he didn’t show up in Wisconsin to campaign for the recall. The Poles are upset because he called Auschwitz a “Polish” death camp. The Hispanics are upset because he has deported more illegals than any other president. And women are upset because he is condescending towards those women who don’t fit the mold. Oh my!!!!!
He also failed to follow Don Corleone’s number one rule: Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. He appointed Hillary as Secretary of State, usurped her authority, then sent her out of the country as often as he could. Meanwhile, he left Bill home to play…with all sorts of people. And the Clinton’s now present a viable alternative to what the Democrats are sensing is the coming rout in November.
Who you gonna call? Hillary!!!! Sure it’s a long shot. But Obama has it coming. And these folks, who have been around the Democratic Party a lot longer than Barack, are not willing to let the country sink taking the Democratic Party with it. Conventional wisdom says Hillary is the front runner for the next election. But I suspect there are those in the party who would like to push that up about four years to this November.
If you can find a better explanation for their behavior, let me know. In the meantime, USS Obama has hit an iceberg.