2010 Political Hubris Winners

I go away for a week and all hell breaks loose. Of course, it’s the silly political season…but c’mon. Here I go: 1) I was literally driving past NPR in Washington when I heard about the Juan Williams/NPR firing scandal on the radio. I can’t believe that they are getting away with this. Everyone knows that NPR is a liberal bastion funded by public money, but was quiet about it. Now, it is front and center. I predict that public funding for NPR will be terminated within a year. The initial justification for public radio and television is rooted back in the day when the three major networks gave short shrift to intellectual and cultural programming. The argument was that type of programming was inherently unprofitable and needed government assistance. Not the case anymore!!! Cable and satellite television is loaded with it…all making money…and all doing it better. You can turn on the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, A & E, Oxygen, the Learning Channel…and for liberal news comme...