Local Media Woes

My apologies to those of you not from around here as I lament the passing of another local institution. Youngstown, Ohio, has always been a self contained area with its local newspaper, and numerous radio stations, and three local television stations representing affiliates with the major television networks. It created a cocoon of sorts, as we were, and still are, totally insulated from the news in the rest of the state. Akron, for example, has its own newspaper, but no television stations. The folks there watch the Cleveland stations. My in-laws are from Mansfield, again with no television stations. They watch stations from Cleveland and Columbus. Not us, we watched, and watch, all things local. Ohio newspapers have always been statewide, with folks all over the state reading the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Toledo Blade, the Columbus Dispatch, and the Cincinnati Enquirer. But not here in Youngstown. We read the Vindicator, and for the most part, only the Vindicator. When I went to Oh...