This morning Fox News reported a story concerning three lawmakers in the great State of Mississippi attempting to pass legislation that would ban restaurants from serving obese people. As I understand the legislation, it would use the body mass index (BMI) to measure who could be served and who would be turned away. The story also reported that using the standards in the proposed Mississippi legislation, Tom Brady and Eli Manning would both flunk the test, and go away hungry. I also would flunk the test, but I am definitely in the obese category. For those of you new to my ranting, I have written several times over the past two and half years about freedom loss creep. It comes in baby steps, as we grow accustomed to a new governmental intrusions in our lives. And it is usually veiled in something that sounds perfectly logical at the time. On a panel subsequently discussing the Mississippi food police story, the commentators made it clear that the law has no chance of passing. The healt...