11 Reasons Obama's Policies Are Sinking the Market, and Why It Matters to You!

There are different ways people vote. The obvious way is at a ballot box on Election Day. The other way people vote is with their wallet. Using the latter measure, Barack Obama is in BIG trouble. One only has to look at the rapid decline in the stock market since his election to know that, at least where money is concerned, there is a vote of no confidence. There will be bear market spikes over the next few months, but the long term trend is bleak. There is not enough money in the world, literally, to service and pay the debt Obama and the Congress are racking up. To quote Margaret Thatcher: “The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money!” The assault on the American business community is in full force, and it effects everybody. The stock market is telling us in no uncertain terms that Obama’s economic plan will not work. Why is the stock market important? Do you have a pension fund? Are you a member of STRS or PERS? Do you have an employer funded 40...