Of Cruise Ships and Meteors

This past week has proven nothing more than how fragile our lives are. We all like to think we are in charge. Think again. Forces around us, man or nature made, call the shots. Whether it is God or life forces or Karma or the river of life, we are at the mercy of events; not the other way around. So you’re driving down the street in Chelyabinsk, Russia, when a streak flashes across the sky followed by a blinding flash of light followed by an explosion that shatter glass all over the city causing injuries to over a thousand people. Was it North Korea? Was it Iran? Was it Obama’s latest kill the bad guys drone? No…it was a ten ton meteorite that exploded in the sky then landed in a frozen lake outside the city limits. Meteorites seem to have an affinity for Mother Russia, the last one landing there in 1908 wiping out about 1000 square miles of Russian wilderness. We in North America are not immune either. The one that landed in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico did nothing more ...