Political Fund Raising

Money is the mother’s milk of politics. You can hate it. You can disagree with it. You can spout a thousand platitudes about the virtues of “grass roots" campaigns. You can scream for reform. You can limit campaign contributions. But at the end of the day, one political mailing in Mahoning County can cost in excess of $15,000.00. One 30 second television ad on the WFMJ evening news costs $1200.00. The post office won’t deliver the mail without being paid. WFMJ won't run the ad without being paid, in advance!!! Somebody has to pay the freight. So it’s a dirty business, but that is the nature of the beast. How much money have you contributed to your favorite candidate this year? I bet the answer from most of you is nothing. (Alright...I can hear you snickering what favorite candidate!!!) You run the other way when you see the fundraiser coming. You don’t answer the phone. You throw away the mail. And then complain when the candidate you don’t want wins, or when the candidates re...