End of the Obama Presidency

America is finally coming to its senses. The collapse of Iraq and the children immigrant fiasco along the southern border are proving to be a bridge too far for the American public. Barack Obama's poll numbers are now officially worse than George Bush's post-Katrina. Even Chuck Todd of NBC News declared the Obama presidency over. A progression of not-so-phony "phony" scandals has knocked the new Messiah off his pedestal notwithstanding the efforts of a supplicant press to shore him up. Now the press is left scrambling trying to salvage liberalism itself and Hillary Clinton's presidential bid. Even more onerous for Obama is the ever so slight but growing possibility of impeachment. Ultimately it will be a political decision within the Democratic Party and the liberal press. When the powers that be reach the conclusion that continuation of his presidency would destroy the chances of a Clinton presidential election victory in 2016, Obama will b...