For Whom the Bell Tolls

It’s tough these days to figure out what is important, and what is not. It’s fairly clear the news media hasn’t figured it out. 24/7 saturation coverage of the death of Anna Nicole Smith shows that titillation (no pun intended) trumps more serious news any day of the week. But does the news media actually have it right… least as to what our culture deems important? After all, they wouldn’t show it if we didn’t watch it, and ratings is the name of the game. The death of Anna Nicole and the subsequent media coverage clearly demonstrates our culture’s priorities. If the media is the message, the message is clear: we are in trouble. Here we have someone who was a stripper and a gold digger, whose claims to fame were her implanted bust size, Playboy layouts, and pole dancing. By marrying a rich, dirty old man, she stood to inherit a ½ billion dollars. She contributed nothing to our society; not one life was saved nor one child fed or educated because she came this way. She represented c...