Mayor Bloomberg's Food Fetish

I have been warning about the erosion of freedom in our country for several years now. We as Americans have been too willing to accept the crap handed out by government official do-gooders with agendas. The most dangerous of these governmental whack jobs is Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York. It is clear that he has a food fetish, and he ought to check himself into a mental institution to find look for an explanation as to his pre-occupation with what you put into your mouth. Mayor Bloomberg, who is obsessive compulsive about weight, has now proposed a ban on Big Gulp drinks in New York City. This goes with his ban on trans fats, his ban on salt (he actually tried to make it illegal for restaurants to put salt shakers on tables); his calorie display on restaurant menus…ad nauseum…no pun intended. What is NOT funny is that there will be no end to his desire to determine what you are allowed, or not allowed, to eat. If he can Big Gulp drinks, he can begin to issue edicts as t...