Goin' to the Gun Show

Don't forget to visit: MARK KNOWS IT ALL, THE WEB SITE; www.markknowsitall.com I keep telling my wife that there is a whole world out there we know nothing about…and I found part of that world last weekend. After two days of winter weather, Sunday broke forth glorious full of sunshine. The day started normal enough. I went to church, sang in the choir, went out for breakfast, you know…Mark things. Then my son suggested that we should do a father and son thing…”Let’s go to the gun show!!” Gun show? As in bang, bang? The last time I shot a gun was at Camp Fitch in 1958. I scared myself, missed the target and wet my pants. They gave me a merit badge if I promised to stay off the shooting range and direct my skills towards the art and crafts tent. I still have the hammered ashtray, as well as my virginal, “no-holes in it” shooting bulls-eye…so they could show my parents that they tried....