Driving to the Moon

This spring, in addition to the outstanding weather, northeast Ohio has been treated to some boffo night time planetary shows. If you missed the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus several weeks ago, you should be ashamed. Look up every now and then. I am not an astronomer, but I know spectacular when I see it. You can do it!!! Put that smart phone away and treat yourself to the best free show in town. The almost month long display ended with both planets lining up next to a crescent moon, mother nature taking her well deserved curtain call. Tonight we got another sky show. My wife and were driving home from Cleveland just a little past dusk. As we got onto the Ohio Turnpike from Route 44, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the sunset was one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. Cars slowed down on the on ramp…talk about distracted driving; which was upstaged as we turned east on the turnpike proper. Behind the trees...