Save the Town...and the Dog!

I watched a movie on the Hallmark Channel tonight. Of course I watch the Hallmark Channel. I watch Lifetime too. I curl up on my chair with my Kleenex and Makers Mark. Can life get any better? Haven't you heard about us compassionate conservatives? Don't mess with us. At any rate, tonight Hallmark showed a movie about Barry Watson kissing some girl at a summer camp called Pine Lake. The movie was set somewhere in America’s northwest, fluttering a nondescript state flag because the movie was actually filmed in Canada to skirt union rules. The story line involved young Luke who is a "philanthropic entrepreneur" (is that like a white Hispanic?) who buys the summer camp of his youth from his uncle only to find it sinking, literally and figuratively, under heavy expenses and safety code violations. While walking through this muck filled dilemma in an uber picturesque setting with lots of rain, he reunites with his childhood sweetheart Zoe (wo...