Put Some Clothes On

The quality of life in America has declined for many reasons. Some are political. Some are economic. But first and foremost on the list is a complete lack of respect for other members of society. For the most part, Americans have reduced America to the least common denominator. A case in point is an article I read about dress codes and airplane travel. Back in the day…and I lived back in the day…people got “dressed up” when traveling by plane. Today a battle rages as air carriers fight a losing battle to enforce some modicum of a dress code. Looking at other people’s butt cracks or underwear with droopy drawers is not my idea of a pleasant flight. The same goes with too short shorts, too much cleavage, people who haven’t bathed or aren’t wearing underwear so that you can see Poughkeepsie or Poughkeepsette. Breast feeding can be added to the list. Yes, it is perfectly natural, but so are many other things and we don’t allow that. The children of the sixties have done a bang u...