America, This Easter

I have always tried to separate my political views from my religious views. It is becoming more difficult to do as each day passes. This year is special because Easter and Passover are celebrated the same weekend. The Resurrection story takes on new meaning…events real time, so to speak. Minimally, it showcases Christianity’s common history with Judaism. Here in America, it highlights our Judeo-Christian culture’s roots. Whether we like it or not, on both the sacred and secular levels, Christians and Jews are forever bonded together here in America. But this year, something is amiss. There has been uneasiness in the nation. There is a pervasive discontent. People are angry. Scarier still, people are angry at each other. I’m not sure people know why they are angry and feel disjointed. But I have been writing about it for three years, and now America is beginning to wake up to what is happening here. People always operate in a box of their life experience. The Jews in Nazi Ger...