American Idol

With spectacular sets, pimped up music, and lighting alone that is worth the cost of admission, American Idol has topped American television ratings for the past 8 years. It is a star machine, producing Oscar, Grammy, and CMA Entertainer of the Year award winners. Are you an American Idol fan? I am. In an era of recession, shrinking 401(k)’s, and “big brother” government pounding at the door, it is a treat to sit back and watch talented young people try to grab the brass ring. If you haven’t been watching, this year’s group of singers is probably the best group presented in the past several years. The last couple of seasons were a tad dicey to the point where I was tuning the show out. Not one of them was particularly outstanding. But this year…there are several who are on the road to show biz success whether they win the competition or not. At the end of the day, this is basically an old fashioned variety show. There is a certain comfort level for those of us who grew up watching The...