AlGore Rides Again!!!!!

Let me understand this. AlGore goes into business with Joel Hyatt (of Hyatt Legal Services fame) and starts a liberal television network, never mind Hyatt is a stellar conservative, with AlGore owning 20%. Current TV was carried on most large cable networks reaching 60 million households in the United States although nobody watched it being underwhelmed by its progressive message. That tends to be a problem when trying to make money. One of Current’s intended targets was the liberal audience at CNN, which nobody watches either. But I digress. Over the past several months AlGore had been quietly lobbying the cable companies to continue their relationship with Current TV because something was going to happen. Bingo!! It was announced today that AlGore and his associates sold Current to Al Jazeera, the Qatar state owned Arab network which served as the mouthpiece for Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda after 9/11. To this day it continues on a semi-regular basis anti-American rants a...