Christmas Card 2008: Joanna's Christmas Gingerbread House

Joanna sat at the kitchen table with red and green paper, scissors, and crayons spread out in front of her. Christmas was just a week away, and there was so much to do. There were Christmas cards and letters to Santa to write. There were presents to make. But most of all, Joanna was thinking about the beautiful gingerbread house her mother had promised they would make together. Joanna had seen the picture of such a house on the cover of a magazine. It was wonderful. The roof was made with marshmallows and the walls were covered with sugar plums and hard candy. Vanilla icing dripped down its sides and over the pretzel fence and gum drop bushes surrounding the house. And in front of the house, greeting all who marveled at its holiday glow, were a gingerbread Santa and Mrs. Claus. This surely was as good as Christmas could be. Puddles, Joanna's white fuzzy pup, nudged against her leg. Joanna looked down under the table and there was Puddles trying to eat the scraps of green and red p...