The Solution is Still Energy

I have never watched a nation’s foreign policy implode right before my eyes. America has big problems in the Mideast. Pakistan and Iran are watching the paper tiger burn up front and they will feel emboldened. Israel has to be on the verge of nervous breakdown. War will be here sooner rather than later, and it will be bad…really bad. Once again America is learning that there is evil in the world, and it isn’t us. No matter what our faults, we are the good guys. Appeasement does not now, nor has it ever, worked. Peace is only achieved through strength. It is much more cost effective in blood and treasure to maintain strength rather than to rebuild it. America has lost all influence in the Mideast. We have turned our back on Israel, our most important ally in the region. We have lost Egypt. Pakistan is next and the most dangerous because of its nuclear weapons. Iran is still on the path to war. Iran is telling us what it is going to do. We have to listen. War is now...