At Least I Didn't Do That!!

Have you ever felt like you have failed at “being all you can be”? The media is the message, and the media is continually telling us we have to be all we can be. Unfortunately, I have yet figure out what being all I can be is. Or maybe I know, and I am too darn lazy to worry about it. After all, wouldn’t being all you can be involve a whole lot of effort? It’s too hard. I am happy if I can get out of bed in the morning. So…I have taken a different approach to measuring my success or lack thereof. Instead of looking at those ahead of me, as my sainted parents taught me, I have decided to look at people who have really screwed up and say: “At least I didn’t do that!” Look at the Blago dude in Illinois. I always wanted to be in politics, but c’mon…going door to door listening to constituent complaints. Ya! Right! And who wants to deal with that press thing. So I am not a successful politician. But I can look at Governor Blago’s "pay to play" scheme as he tried to sell a Senate ...