American Snapshot 2010 - Oh My!!!!

Every now and then I come across a magazine article that is just too good to pass up. George Will wrote an editorial in last week’s edition of Newsweek giving us a snapshot of America in 2010. Here are some of the interesting facts contained in the article, but tweaked with my sparkling commentary. 1) Democrats compared Republicans to Neanderthals, which was probably close to the truth. In 2010 we learned that 4% of the human genome of modern non-Africans comes from the extinct Neanderthals who mated with our migrating forefathers in Europe. Quick, find me a woman to drag by the hair. 2) 52% of American adults are married in 2010 compared to 72% in 1960. And you wonder whatever happened to family values!!!! 3) The government owns General Motors. General Motors is building the electric Volt to quell government global warmers. The government is giving a $7500.00 tax credit to anyone who buys a $42,000.00 Volt. The government has to borrow the money from China in order to give the tax cre...