American Snapshot 2010 - Oh My!!!!

1) Democrats compared Republicans to Neanderthals, which was probably close to the truth. In 2010 we learned that 4% of the human genome of modern non-Africans comes from the extinct Neanderthals who mated with our migrating forefathers in Europe. Quick, find me a woman to drag by the hair.
2) 52% of American adults are married in 2010 compared to 72% in 1960. And you wonder whatever happened to family values!!!!
3) The government owns General Motors. General Motors is building the electric Volt to quell government global warmers. The government is giving a $7500.00 tax credit to anyone who buys a $42,000.00 Volt. The government has to borrow the money from China in order to give the tax credit. Do you think Ford may have some issues with this? Now you know why the government shouldn’t compete with private business.
4) The government says green energy will produce American jobs. General Electric just closed the last incandescent light bulb plant in America as those bulbs will be outlawed in 2014 in order to promote energy savings with those squiggly fluorescent bulbs. All of those bulbs are made in China. Well, as always, the do-gooders intentions were…good!!
5) The election for officers in the American Postal Workers Union had to be delayed because the ballots were lost in the mail. Seriously.
6) We are experiencing one of the worst winters in recent histories. But that doesn’t deter the valiant global warming (excuse me, climate change) brigade. The headlines from Voice of America read: METEOROLOGISTS: GLOBAL WARMING AND COLD WEATHER GO HAND-IN-HAND. Does anyone have a muff?
7) PETA requested that Punxutawney, Pa, replace the groundhog with a mechanical substitute because the Groundhog Day ceremonies are cruel to the little varmit…who quite frankly lives better than me. Maybe they can pull me out of the little house. I’ll give them a weather forecast they will never forget.
8) California’s Solyndra, Inc., was the poster child for Obama’s dreams of green energy. It manufactured solar panels. To finance the business, it received a $535 million stimulus loan, plus a visit from the Pres in the flesh. It has since announced that it is going out of business, closing the plant laying off hundreds of workers. Oh well, how about making electricity burning coal?
9) In legal news, police in California raided a health food store with guns drawn looking for unpasteurized dairy products. They confiscated the yogurt. A man in Illinois who offered free rides to drunk bar patrons was arrested for running an unauthorized taxi service. Oh yes, let’s not forget the new government pat downs at the airport. Ooooo! Can you do that again a little higher?
10) The health fascists airbrushed a cigar out of a photograph of Winston Churchill at a London museum’s Britain at War exhibit.
11) In a new way to show sportsmanship / fairness, a Canadian children’s soccer league announced that if any team scores in excess of five goals, the other team will be declared the winner. Huh? What are you laughing at? Sounds like the American tax code to me.
It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. Living in a world that produces the above, the wonder isn’t that there is violence…the wonder is that there isn’t more.
You can read George Will’s article here.