2007-2008 Winter Movie List

This winter's movie viewing list covers the gambit from mob movies to baseball to opera. Not all of the following are masterpieces of film making, but they are all on my favorite list for entertaining movie watching. Get out your HDTV, your Blue Ray player, and non-chemical popcorn, and have fun. White Christmas (1954) - I can hear the groans from here. Ohh Nooo!!!!. But on a snowy December night cuddling with your honey, it don’t get much better than this. Start with a great Irving Berlin score. Add Rosemary Clooney when she still had a figure, and Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye yukking it up. Put in a dash of nostalgia for when and where you first saw it plus years of Christmas memories, and you have the feel good movie of all time. C’mon now…everybody sing: “I’m dreaming of a White Christmas….” I can’t hear yoooouuu. Risky Business (1983) – Makes you want to quit your job and be a pimp. Who knew how weird Tom Cruise would turn out to be when we first saw him making big bucks with...