AlGore's Gas

I have been hearing a lot of commentary as of late relating to global warming. It certainly has been interesting to contemplate global warming in the middle of a cold snap with temperatures hovering around zero, and snow up to the proverbial whazzoo. AlGore is apparently going to win an Academy Award for his political documentary An Inconvenient Truth . He has been nominated for a Nobel prize for his environmental work. The United States has been chastised for our greenhouse gas emissions and failure to ratify the Kyoto Accords. How thoughtless of us. I think Bill O’Reilly got it right on his program a few weeks ago when he said we ought to clean up the gunk in the air just because we should. I don’t like living in a dirty house, and I do my best to try to keep my office in relative good order, although that is open to debate by some. Burning less oil means less dependence on energy supplies from extremely volatile parts of the world. That is where George Bush dropped the ball. That sh...