Snotty Kids

Are you tired of snotty kids? I know I am. No, not the crumb grinding infant set. That’s another story. I’m talking about the sniveling 16 – 26 year olds that don’t have the common sense to come in out of the rain….and yet….they act like they have the wisdom of the ages locked in their puny little brains. In reality, they know jack. Take away their hand held and I doubt if they could add two plus two and come up with four!!! I was channel surfing the other night and came across Reba McIntyre’s new program Malibu something or other. Reba is the hapless parent surrounded by two teen age brats who are endowed with unending wisdom, and her former pot head mother played by Lily Tomlin who knows the answer to life resides somewhere between marijuana and LSD. Never mind that it’s Reba who has to pay the bills and hold everything together. She’s just a schmuck, a poor working schmuck. In many ways this show is emblematic about our society today. Those who are working and trying to m...