Why I Support Public Funding for the Arts

Those of you who know me know that my political persuasion is somewhere between Goldwater Conservatism and Libertarianism. The government should stick to those things that it is supposed to be good at, like building roads, sewers, and water lines and national defense. I am an anti-tax guy. So why am I an advocate of public financing for the arts? Today the Mahoning Valley Power of the Arts initiative is having its Call to Action rally at the Butler Institute of America Art. The Ohio Revised Code provides for the establishment of Arts and Culture Districts in each of the counties. These districts are self taxing entities akin to Boardman Park, Mill Creek Metro Parks, and the county library. They are established by the County Commissioners when presented with a governance code, and operated by a Board of Trustees appointed by the Commissioners with certain qualifications, or the operational duties can be assigned to an existing arts organization in the county so ...