He Out "Young'd" Them

Please visit Mark Knows It All, the web site, by clicking on the link at the top of the adjoining column. It has been a hoot watching the media deal with Sarah Palin’s VP nomination. I have never seen such a feeding frenzy happen so fast in a long time. Daughter Bristol’s pregnancy gave fodder of the worst sort to the media vultures whose inherent sexism became almost funny. The media's sexist rants shouted from the mouths of supposedly responsible journalists approached absurdity as they spewed hate towards working mothers and unwed teenage moms, such topics usually being taboo areas of feminist protection, but only if you are the right kind of woman. Apparently Sarah Palin is not. Yes, Governor Palin believes abstinence should be taught in the schools and those same schools should not be vendors of condoms or birth control pills. While insinuating that Governor Palin was too busy politicking instead of providing proper supervision to her children, these panderers of free sex sup...