Playing By the Rules

If I were to choose one thing that could result in the downfall of the United States as we know it, I would choose death of personal responsibility. It’s not only responsibility’s demise, but the institutionalization of rewarding irresponsibility. In our country today, we punish those who act responsibly, and celebrate those who don’t. What lesson are we teaching our children? How can our culture survive? The deck is stacked against those of us who work hard every day, try to provide for our families, and live by some semblance of a moral code. Let’s start with the entertainment industry. Look at the role models being held up to our young people. Gangsta rappers, drug users, promiscuity is the road to riches and success as we celebritize those people whose behavior is abhorrent by any measureable standard. The Octo-mom gets a new house and 24 hour free help to raise her 14 kids. Has anyone helped you raise your children lately? The key to success is not hard work. Do something outrageo...