
Ferguson, Missouri, is ground zero for everything that is wrong in 21 st Century America. This is progressive America. It is a harvest of despair, hate, division, jealousy, racism, class warfare, a collapse of values, the destruction of rule of law, the militarization of our police forces, the death of an independent and neutral press….all mixed into one ugly soup. It is sad. It is dangerous. It is a preview of things to come in a country that is slowly but deliberately destroying the fabric that has held it together for over two hundred years. At the heart of the matter is the tragic shooting of an unarmed black 18 year old young man by a white police officer. At first blush, it was disturbing. All he was doing was walking down the street when the cops told him and his friend to move to the sidewalk. He was shot in the back. Pictures of a cherubic young man flashed all over the news programs. He was a gentle gi...