The Green Monster: The Greatest Threat to our Democracy

Please Visit Mark Knows It All, the Web Site DID YOU KNOW? The Congressional ban on off shore drilling has to be voted on every year, and expires September 30 of this year, 5 weeks before the general election. Will they have the gall to extend the ban? DID YOU KNOW? The primary drivers of oil consumption are India and China. The increase in oil prices has no effect on the consumer in these countries as their governments subsidize oil and gasoline prices. They are driving the prices up, but the American consumer is paying the price. In my entire life, there has rarely been a time when I have been afraid for the country. This is one of those times. Once again, socialism is rearing its ugly head, and this time it may prevail. Whether you call it being green, or fighting global warming, or stewards of God’s bounty, environmentalism is providing the excuse for complete regulation of your lives, and the destruction of our way of life. You are paying for it right now at the gas pump, and ...