The Green Monster: The Greatest Threat to our Democracy
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In my entire life, there has rarely been a time when I have been afraid for the country. This is one of those times. Once again, socialism is rearing its ugly head, and this time it may prevail. Whether you call it being green, or fighting global warming, or stewards of God’s bounty, environmentalism is providing the excuse for complete regulation of your lives, and the destruction of our way of life. You are paying for it right now at the gas pump, and you will pay for it this winter in your heating bills. And as the Democratic controlled Congress is rubbing its hand in glee anticipating how it is going to tell you how to live your life, it is slowly strangling this country to death.
It just isn’t carbon emissions they want to control, they are going after the big, greedy oil companies. They are denying permits to repair the Katrina damaged oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico. They are going to “study” nuclear power. They are refusing tax credits to alternative energy production like wind and solar power. Folks, these are bad people with a hidden agenda.
It's not the oil companies they want to control. They want to control you. These people want to control what you drive, where you drive, how fast you drive, where you set your thermostat, how much water you use, what you eat… and they will do it under the guise of concern for the environment. Freedom is lost in small steps, not gigantic swoops. They can accomplish it by simply blocking the will of the American people in the Congress. The American voter must look beyond the propaganda on the evening news.
How disgusting it is to see Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi stand in front of the cameras and wag their fingers at the American public with their imperious attitude. Who appointed them the arbiters of progress? Barack Obama says: "If offshore drilling would provide short-term relief at the pump or a long-term strategy for energy independence, it would be worthy of our consideration, regardless of the risks. But most experts, even within the Bush Administration, concede it would do neither." Hey, buddy, get off your high horse. Aren’t you the big shot?
"It’s the market speculators that are driving the costs. Let’s go after them," says Congress. But who are among the largest of the market speculators? Public employee pension funds! CALPERS (California Public Employee Retirement System) currently has $1.3 billion invested in the oil futures market. If it is speculation, then the fastest way to deflate it is to produce more oil. The minute the first drill bit goes into the ground, the “futures” market will correct. The issue is, who is making the money off of the speculation, and which constituencies is our Congress serving? It is not much of leap to conclude that Congress likes high prices, and intends to keep them there. Meanwhile, Al Gore and his buddies are making tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars trading carbon credits while flying around the world in their big planes, driving their big limos, and heating and lighting their big houses. Do you really think they care what it is costing you?
And there is a bonus to the socialists among us. They are able to make things “fair”, and have a ton of fun taking your money and redistributing it to whomever they feel is more worthy than the one making it. Nancy Pelosi said this past week she wants Congress to pass subsidies for air conditioning for the "poor" among us, while you are paying through the nose and told to keep your thermostat at 78 degrees in the summer and 68 degrees in the winter.
Quietly, the private sector is doing its part while Congress fiddles in the parlor. General Motors, while teetering on the verge of bankruptcy, is betting the farm on the Chevy Volt…with no help from the government, to give this nation a car that can go 40 miles on a single battery charge using no gas at all. T. Boone Pickens, the oil magnate, has invested huge amounts of money in wind and solar power, and has privately bought ads to show America the way. Those hybrids that are popping up all over? Do you know how much money Congress has given develop those? None. Where is the government helping these folks? Congress doesn't care about energy. What it cares about is control. There is a reason it has an 8% approval rating.
Don’t be fooled by the “green” monster. Being green certainly can benefit our nation and the world… but it also can be used to bludgeon us into an economic set of circumstances that spell the end of this country’s greatness. Is this a rant? Yes. Am I wrong? No. Be careful what you ask for, you may get it.
DID YOU KNOW? The Congressional ban on off shore drilling has to be voted on every year, and expires September 30 of this year, 5 weeks before the general election. Will they have the gall to extend the ban?
DID YOU KNOW? The primary drivers of oil consumption are India and China. The increase in oil prices has no effect on the consumer in these countries as their governments subsidize oil and gasoline prices. They are driving the prices up, but the American consumer is paying the price.
DID YOU KNOW? The primary drivers of oil consumption are India and China. The increase in oil prices has no effect on the consumer in these countries as their governments subsidize oil and gasoline prices. They are driving the prices up, but the American consumer is paying the price.

It just isn’t carbon emissions they want to control, they are going after the big, greedy oil companies. They are denying permits to repair the Katrina damaged oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico. They are going to “study” nuclear power. They are refusing tax credits to alternative energy production like wind and solar power. Folks, these are bad people with a hidden agenda.
It's not the oil companies they want to control. They want to control you. These people want to control what you drive, where you drive, how fast you drive, where you set your thermostat, how much water you use, what you eat… and they will do it under the guise of concern for the environment. Freedom is lost in small steps, not gigantic swoops. They can accomplish it by simply blocking the will of the American people in the Congress. The American voter must look beyond the propaganda on the evening news.
How disgusting it is to see Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi stand in front of the cameras and wag their fingers at the American public with their imperious attitude. Who appointed them the arbiters of progress? Barack Obama says: "If offshore drilling would provide short-term relief at the pump or a long-term strategy for energy independence, it would be worthy of our consideration, regardless of the risks. But most experts, even within the Bush Administration, concede it would do neither." Hey, buddy, get off your high horse. Aren’t you the big shot?
"It’s the market speculators that are driving the costs. Let’s go after them," says Congress. But who are among the largest of the market speculators? Public employee pension funds! CALPERS (California Public Employee Retirement System) currently has $1.3 billion invested in the oil futures market. If it is speculation, then the fastest way to deflate it is to produce more oil. The minute the first drill bit goes into the ground, the “futures” market will correct. The issue is, who is making the money off of the speculation, and which constituencies is our Congress serving? It is not much of leap to conclude that Congress likes high prices, and intends to keep them there. Meanwhile, Al Gore and his buddies are making tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars trading carbon credits while flying around the world in their big planes, driving their big limos, and heating and lighting their big houses. Do you really think they care what it is costing you?
And there is a bonus to the socialists among us. They are able to make things “fair”, and have a ton of fun taking your money and redistributing it to whomever they feel is more worthy than the one making it. Nancy Pelosi said this past week she wants Congress to pass subsidies for air conditioning for the "poor" among us, while you are paying through the nose and told to keep your thermostat at 78 degrees in the summer and 68 degrees in the winter.
Quietly, the private sector is doing its part while Congress fiddles in the parlor. General Motors, while teetering on the verge of bankruptcy, is betting the farm on the Chevy Volt…with no help from the government, to give this nation a car that can go 40 miles on a single battery charge using no gas at all. T. Boone Pickens, the oil magnate, has invested huge amounts of money in wind and solar power, and has privately bought ads to show America the way. Those hybrids that are popping up all over? Do you know how much money Congress has given develop those? None. Where is the government helping these folks? Congress doesn't care about energy. What it cares about is control. There is a reason it has an 8% approval rating.
Don’t be fooled by the “green” monster. Being green certainly can benefit our nation and the world… but it also can be used to bludgeon us into an economic set of circumstances that spell the end of this country’s greatness. Is this a rant? Yes. Am I wrong? No. Be careful what you ask for, you may get it.
and you forgot to include the recent news about the lands currently allocated to oil producers here in this country that remained UNTAPPED. at last count that number was reported as 80%.
80%--NOT CURRENTLY BEING USED! that's land already deemed as oil-potent, already secured, and ready to go. what's holding your dear friends in houston from drilling on those properties? higher profits perhaps?
and, excuse me, but these US also subsidize oil prices- that's one reason why our gas prices are artificially low! yes, low! they always have been! don't push prejudice on our earthly chinese breathren, simply wanting the same as joe youngstown for their families!
and as a youngstown transplant to los angeles, i promise a contingency on our local beaches thousands strong if necessary, to halt any thought of drilling there. if you think that nancy pelosi is simply speaking for herself you'll be surprised indeed!
and by the way, mr gore has since reduced, quite greatly, his own carbon footprint!
i'd like to know how YOU are saving our planet in terms of reducing yours...?
what do you drive? and how many square foot is your house? what's the R factor on your insulation...?