Truth in America

Have you ever tried looking for truth in modern America? It’s becoming more elusive as time goes by. The latest example was the Casey Anthony trial. It was fraught with so many lies, the jury finally threw in the towel. Everyone lied. Casey Anthony gets the liar of the decade award. Her father comes in a close second. The prosecutor who trumped up chloroform as a murder weapon with a sniffing machine is right in there. Of course, there is the defense attorney accusing the father of incest. Last place is a tie between mom Cindy and brother Lee who looked amateurish but still put on a good show. Of course the Anthony trial is the most obvious case, but the loss of truth in America is becoming something more insidious. CBS admitted this past week that its broadcast of the 4th of July fireworks from Boston was doctored with phony angles and photo-shopped computer generated backdrops. They photo-shopped 4th of July fireworks and claimed the broadcast was live? Really? Media is sp...