On Tim Russert and Fathers

Please visit Mark Knows It All; The Web Site Tim Russert’s untimely death certainly gave me pause. I am 58 years old, and don’t live what can be called a healthy life style. I love my pizza and red meat, and eschew veggies, especially the good kind like broccoli. Russert seemed to be a good and decent man. He was the epitome of the American dream, pulling himself by his bootstraps from humble beginnings. He was well liked among his colleagues from all sides of the political spectrum. His two bestselling books Big Russ and Me and Wisdom of Our Fathers , gave gravitas to the role of fathers in the American family when men are routinely trivialized as compared to the “single” mother. Bill Cosby has echoed Russert’s theme of the importance of “Dad” in the very difficult endeavor of child raising. I have written several times over the past few years about the marginalization of males in our society. Yet study after study shows again and again that the traditional nuclear family of Mom, D...