Honestly Holistically

This is an odd topic. Notwithstanding, the older I get, the more I have come to believe in it. I have become a firm believer in holistic medicine. This comes from three chronic illnesses in my life that were treated conventionally for years, and ultimately resolved by an holistic approach to the problem. Let me qualify my comments by saying that I fully believe in conventional medicine. I would never counsel ANYONE facing a serious illness to forego the medical doctors and the miracles modern medicine has to offer. Apple Computer founder Steve Jobs did, and an untreated curable form of pancreatic cancer cost him his life. On the other hand, one shouldn't overlook holistic approaches to illness to compliment whatever the doctors are recommending. Many modern medical centers offer holistic supplements as a matter of course. The human body is wondrous mechanism, and as I can personally attest, acts in strange ways to odd thngs. After I graduated from college, I was diagnosed wi...