The Bush Legacy

I have seen, lately, numerous articles and television commentary about the legacy of George W. Bush. Currently, his disapproval rating is 65%. He is tied with Harry Truman when Truman left office. The only president with a worse disapproval number when he left office was Richard Nixon at 66%. “W” also holds the record for the highest approval rating in October, 2001….93%, which gives credence to the saying “the bigger they are, the harder they fall”. I can give you a litany of reasons why I don’t like George W. Bush, most of which would be the antithesis of most of the reasons Americans don’t like him. Other than his position on immigration, I am a supporter of his domestic and foreign policies. If he is guilty of anything, it is his failure to lead. Any first year political science major will tell you the President has very little real power. The strength of the Presidency is the power to persuade. It is the ultimate bully pulpit. Here, he has failed miserably. Domestically, Presiden...