Heath Ledger Died This Week...Who?

Heath Ledger died this past week. My wife and I were watching election coverage when the news flashed across the screen. All of a sudden the news cycle was taken over by this untimely passing, with reporters standing in front of his Soho apartment in New York City, doctors speculating how this 28 year old man could have died, pictures of the body bag being removed from the apartment as a makeshift memorial was being set up at the front door, and lurid descriptions of pills being scattered around his naked body sprawled across his bed when discovered by his masseuse. After awhile, my wife looked over at me and asked:”Who’s that?” Then my mother called me and asked me the same question. At my church choir practice, another lady asked me the same thing. This was the second young actor to die this past week, 23 year old Brad Renfro being the first. Although not as “famous” as Heath Ledger, he also got substantial press coverage on his untimely demise by a drug overdose. When the televisio...