Michael Jackson

If you are to pick one thing that is wrong with America, I would start with the Michael Jackson story that has developed over this past week. His untimely death has certainly dominated the news cycles. While you were moon walking, American troops pulled out of Iraqi cities while sectarian violence escalated; there was a coup in Honduras that overthrew a left wing president who was acting in violation of the Honduran Supreme Court orders stating he could not run for a third term and to vacate the office; and the House of Representatives passed the Cap and Trade bill which will raise the cost of utilities in all of our houses by as much as $1800.00/year. Michael Jackson was a great entertainer. In his earlier years, I was a fan. But over the years he came to represent all that is wrong with America. His celebrity became a tragic joke filled with unending cosmetic surgery destroying his face and body; the whitening of his skin; his obsession with toys personified at the Neverland Ranch; h...