That Non-inflation Thing

How’s that no inflation thing working out for you? In case you haven’t noticed, things are getting mighty expensive notwithstanding what the government and a supplicant press wants you to believe. Check out the cost of Peanut Butter, Crisco, Cereal (oatmeal in particular), almonds, olive oil, orange juice. Then look at the price of clothing, men’s shirts and shoes in particular. How about the cost of gasoline? Have you gone to a movie lately? Even deals in electronics don’t look like such good deals anymore, but rather desperate ploys to get rid of last year’s merchandise at last year’s prices. I did not see the bargains for electronic goods this year that I have seen in the past. Inflation is bubbling all around you. Have you tried to have a home appliance repaired lately, or have someone come in to do some electrical or plumbing work? Nail tech’s and hairdressers are off the charts, with prices rising almost weekly. Don’t even mention the cost of hotel rooms and airplane tickets. Th...