Steve Jobs: A Partial Legacy

Don’t get me wrong. Steve Jobs will go down in history as one of the great American inventors along with Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell. He took what those two American originals gave to us and stretched the telephone and the radio and recording business into directions unimaginable just twenty years ago. In my lifetime I have gone from 78’s to 45’s to 33 1/3rd rpm’s to reel to reel tape recorders to smaller reel to reel tape recorders to eight tracks to cassettes to transistor radios to CD’s to illegal Napster to legal Napster to burning my own CD’s to I-Pods, I-Tunes and MP3’s to my tunes downloaded to my smartphone. That doesn’t even count Apple Computers…the gold standard by which all computers have historically been measured. Although I have never entered the Apple universe, by both accident and design, Steve Jobs walks with me every day when I am on my PC or laptop or net book or pad downloading music. Books and movies are just a click away as my house is now wired ...