What's Good for General Motors...

In the midst of bank takeovers and brokerage collapses and government bailouts, there is good news tonight. Lost in the shuffle of the AIG debacle was a news story that was carried by maybe one network. GM unveiled its production model of the Chevy Volt. In one fell swoop, GM is showing America a major solution to its dependence on foreign oil…an electric car that can go 40 miles on a single electric charge, enough for 75% of American commuters to get to and home from work. Can you imagine? As I understand it, it doesn’t put that much of a strain on our electric grid as most of the cars would be charged at night when the electric usage is minimal. And the media looked away. While all of us are concerned and admittedly frightened about the Wall Street meltdown, GM is moving forward, on its own, with no government help, while dealing with its own substantial problems, to develop a car that will change our lives forever. As the government is bailing out Freddie and Fannie and Bear Stearn...