America, The Tipping Point Is Now!

When I started writing my web page articles several years ago, there would be weeks where I would have to struggle to find a topic. Political discourse was routine stuff, and much of it was boring. No more. America is changing before my eyes, and its citizens are blind to the dangers as long as the change is done to rock beat bumper music. If my generation screamed for drugs, sex, and rock n’ roll, we should be happy. That is all that will be left. The headlines are scaring me. When I hear Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, commenting on CNBC that he is scared, then there is reason to be concerned. What would have been taboo just a year ago, is the norm today. America voted for “change” this past election, but I don’t think it will like the change that it gets. Frightening headlines are ignored by the body politic. "FEDS TELL BANK OF AMERICA TO CHANGE ITS BOARD." "OBAMA FIRES GM CEO." "AUTO ADVISORY BOARD TELLS CHRYSLER TO CUT ITS ADVERTISING BUDGET BY...