Let's All Go to the Dairy Queen!

Has this ever happened to you? You walk into a Dunkin Donuts to buy one glazed and a cup of coffee. In front of you is an innocuous looking person who walks up to the counter, and responds to the question “Can I help you?” with the following: "I would like 5 dozen donuts, and I don’t know what I want. Let me see, I want 2 of the donuts to be chocolate covered cake, no, make that three, no make that two, and don’t make them cake, make them like the glazed, forget that, make them cake, with sprinkles, no, leave the sprinkles off….” And that is just for the first two donuts, more than four dozen to go. The only thing worse is being at the Deli Counter at Rulli Brothers Italian Grocery Store in Boardman where some little ethnic lady is ordering five pounds of lunch meat two slices at a time, then goes and pays for it with exact change out of a buried coin purse located somewhere in a very large black bag. I was once in a movie theater trying to buy a box of popcorn. I had to ta...