
CHASING WINDMILLS On a recent day shopping trip to Cleveland my wife and I came across one of those humongous electric generating windmills. It is located in Bainbridge and is clearly visible on the high school property as one drives along Route 422…the back way to Cleveland!! We decided to investigate. Of course it would be located on school grounds. Windmills are politically correct and make a statement saying the school board is being green with somebody else’s money. We have seen them from a distance many times, but now we could get up close and personal. These things are huge and somewhat scary. This one is located almost on top of the school parking lot and it looks like the blades could swoop down and lift you up…and they are VERY, VERY, VERY noisy. There is some creaking and groaning, but mostly there is a deep roaring sound that almost sounds like an airplane engine. I feel sorry for the folks that live around there. To make matters worse, although they look lovely and gr...