
PLEASE VISIT MARK KNOWS IT ALL, THE WEB SITE by clicking on the link at the top of the adjoining column When I was much younger, my father said when his mother died that it was his turn next. That was years and years ago, and now I find myself somewhat in that position. My dad passed away 5 years ago. My mother isn’t dead, but she has been diagnosed with a number of very serious problems which means, at the age of 89, she can no longer live alone. She has resisted admitting to herself that it is time to go to an extended care facility, but deep down she knows. This week she moved there from the hospital. I was born into a family with lots of relatives. Both my mother and father each had 5 brothers and sisters. That meant lots of aunts and uncles and cousins. It took a big table on both sides of the family to seat all of us. In my family, there is just me and my brother, making all of those cousins in the extended family something special. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on you...