Television Anchors

A close and dear friend of mine who does not share my political views asked me the other day about the background of the hosts of Fox and Friends, FNC's morning show entry. I responded that their names were Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, and Gretchen Carlson whose backgrounds were weather guy, sports guy, and former Miss America respectively. Sounds pretty unimpressive, doesn't it? That started me to thinking. Just what are the backgrounds of many of the reporters who are our nation’s gatekeepers to information and interpretation? What separates these “journalists” from you or me? Is there anything in their backgrounds that makes them smarter than you and me? Does a degree in Journalism give them some special insight...some education specialty? I concluded what these folks don't know is a lot. Yet we grant them the status of opinion maker. Let’s start with the Fox and Friends hosts. Steve Doocy was born in Iowa and rai...