I visited Washington, DC, this weekend with my son, who is looking at DC based graduate schools. This morning we visited George Washington University, and we heard a commotion while walking around the campus. Following the sound of a very noisy loud speaker, we walked down 23rd Street, past the State Department, and ended up on the National Mall nearby the Lincoln Memorial. Standing around us were droves of war protestors, there to protest US involvement in Iraq. It was supposed to be a march of a 100,000 plus people, originating on the Mall and ending at the Pentagon. In reality, there were about 10,000 protestors. These ideologues apparently don’t like the cold weather. It was obviously well financed. Tour buses were dropping their loads of protestors. People lined the street handing out stacks of pre-printed protest signs. There were shirt salesmen and button salesmen. There were people dressed in costume like the grim reaper wearing an American flag, and George Bush masks worn by p...