
Several weeks ago I had the privilege of attending a 50th anniversary celebration for some acquaintances of mine. I don’t really know these folks all that well, but they are great people, and as a couple are dedicated to their passion for music. The entire evening was filled with great songs, good food and drink, and toasts and well earned and deserved compliments and praise. It was a hell of a party. During one of the musical presentations, another couple who were good friends of the guests of honor, stepped up to the microphone to offer a very special gift. I will call them Ted and Julia, who themselves are well into transition from middle age to the golden years. Julia, who has some physical problems, sat down on a chair. Ted stood by her side, with his arm on her shoulder. Together, they sang two madrigals, a cappella, to celebrate their friends’ anniversary. It was simple and unadorned, and a little shaky, but heartfelt through and through. Ted and Julia honored the anniversary co...